Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cactus Blooms

I want to share something that I came across and photographed recently.  We have a cactus at the back of our property and I noticed they were blooming these most incredibly vivid yellow flowers.  Cactus blooms don't last very long so if you're going to shoot them, you'd better not put it off another day.

As I approached the cactus with camera, tripod, and light meter, I noticed a bee who was rapidly raking the plant for pollen.  She noticed me but didn't flee... rather, she took time out to watch me.  She was really a rather nice model for this shoot.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

Sunlit Bloom on Cactus

Bee Collecting Pollen B/W

Bee Standing Guard
Bee Diving

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Contemporary Abstract

Good morning.  My photography interests are primarily with architectural subjects but I'm always on the look out for unique shapes, color, and light.  This image caught my eye so yesterday, I took time out to shoot and want to share it.

Contemporary Abstract with Colors
The subject is a molded reflector and was shot very close up with an ultra wide angle lens.  The colors are drawn in from the surrounding area... trees, grass, rocks, and sky.  I decided to do some modest digital manipulations to bring out and spread the colors around.  I really like the effects and think it's a beautiful piece of work that would look good in the home or office.  What do you think?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Still Excited!

Each day, it seems like something around the house calls out for me to photograph it.... or someone comes by with a new insect.  Wow, isn't springtime great?  So with all these great opportunities, I'm happy and excited to capture some new images.

Deadly with beautiful form

I have had a lot of fun with this black widow.  She has such a beautiful shape when viewed in silhouette.  I hope you like it.

Wild mushroom as seen from ground level

Like I said earlier, springtime brings many opportunities to me.  I was cutting the grass and had to stop long enough to shoot this.  What do you think?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Deadly Beauty

Springtime has brought many new photo opportunities.  Almost daily, I come across spiders, ants, crickets, lizards, snakes, etc... nature has sprung and along comes many creepy crawlies.  I'd like to share my latest.

She waits for an unsuspecting prey

It can be a real challenge doing close-up and macro work, particularly when your model is dangerous.  All it takes is one unexpected malfunction to distract you and off goes your fang equipped, poison filled creature.  I hope you enjoy.  All comments are welcome.