Thursday, October 18, 2012

Asian Art

I was sitting here browsing some of the photos that I shot while in Japan a few years back when I came across three that really are dear to me.  I'd like to share those with you.

A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima

Ladies in Kimono with Vintage Look
Torii at Miyajima
The image with the two Japanese ladies was shot in Kyoto and I find their beauty to be stunning.  I enhanced the photo to give it a vintage look which is perfect for a greeting card.

A-Bomb dome is world famous and to visit this place as well as the museum is a sobering experience.  I've been there twice and have been moved each time.

The torii is located at Miyajima Island which is near Hiroshima.  It has been said that this specific torii is the most photographed structure in Japan.  It is gorgeous!  I softened the focus slightly and blended the colors to give it the look of a painting.  Some may like that and some may not... but it suits me very well.

All comments are welcome.  You are welcome to view my online gallery by Clicking here.  A new window will open so you won't lose your spot on my blog.  Enjoy!